Data Science

     Data Analytics / Machine Learning

Implement both simple and complex analytics and machine learning models:

Perform basic data preparation – filter, splits, append, merge, duplicate; and other text, numerical, and logical functions.

Text mining capabilities like text extraction, hashing and text grouping.

Feature Extraction – word to vector, Inverse document frequency, etc.

Feature Transformation – binarize, scale, normalize, etc.

Feature Selection – slice vector, chi-sq select, etc.

Develop clustering models – K-means, Bisecting K-means, Guassian mixture, Latent Dichrichlet Allocation (LDA), and others.

Develop regression models – linear, decision tree, survival, isotonic.

Develop classification models – logistic regression, random forest, gradient busted tree (GBT), Naive Bayes, and others.

Perform model tuning and scoring.

Build pipelines to execute a group of algorithms simultaneously.

Configure multiple sandboxes View and modify machine generated source code.

Monitor real-time model execution.

     Data Analytics / Machine Learning

Implement both simple and complex analytics and machine learning models:

Perform basic data preparation – filter, splits, append, merge, duplicate; and other text, numerical, and logical functions.

Text mining capabilities like text extraction, hashing and text grouping.

Feature Extraction – word to vector, Inverse document frequency, etc.

Feature Transformation – binarize, scale, normalize, etc.

Feature Selection – slice vector, chi-sq select, etc.

Develop clustering models – K-means, Bisecting K-means, Guassian mixture, Latent Dichrichlet Allocation (LDA), and others.

Develop regression models – linear, decision tree, survival, isotonic.

Develop classification models – logistic regression, random forest, gradient busted tree (GBT), Naive Bayes, and others.

Perform model tuning and scoring.

Build pipelines to execute a group of algorithms simultaneously.

Configure multiple sandboxes View and modify machine generated source code.

Monitor real-time model execution.


Build reports over business views:

Visualization of model outputs.

Types of graphs.


Build reports over business views:

Visualization of model outputs.

Types of graphs.

Advana is designed to satisfy the needs of its users regardless of their level of expertise in the data analytics spectrum. Advana offers each user a comprehensive set of tools to help them excel at their activities.

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